Educator Account Support

What is an Educator Account?

An Educator Account is a member of an educational institution or is a learning and development professional in an organization.

As an Educator, you will gain access to teaching materials and resources, demos, white papers, as well as our webinar series to help you deliver expert interactive experiences. Once confirmed you’ll gain access to Educator pricing and get a sneak peek into all of our upcoming experiences, and be kept informed about any updates to teaching materials.

Interested in becoming an Educator? Click here to sign up or contact us if you have an existing learner account and would like to obtain an Educator Account.

How can I become an Educator?

Currently, Wharton Interactive is only verifying educators for academic clients. If you don’t have a Wharton Interactive account:

First, click the Sign up button on our website, enter your contact and professional information, and confirm your details. Then, scroll down and check the “Yes, please verify me” box. Complete the form and click the Create my Account button. Check your inbox for an email from us to verify your account. Our team will process your request and send you an email once you have been verified. The next time you log in to your account, you will have access to all the Educator materials.

If I’m an Educator, can I also play as an individual learner?

Yes! You can use the same account to both set up a class as an Educator, and to purchase a learning experience as an individual learner.

I’m not eligible to become an Educator; can I create a class?

To create a class you must be an Educator. If you do not qualify at this time, we invite you to experience our simulations as an individual learner.

How can I create a class on behalf of an instructor?

If you are creating a class and purchasing an experience on behalf of an instructor, please create an account and apply to be an Educator, letting us know that you will be creating a class on behalf of an instructor.

I am now an Educator - what’s next?

You now have access to a variety of material to help you expertly deliver an experience in your class or program. These include an overview of the experiences, teaching notes and guides, setup and game-day planning materials, instructional videos, and debriefing materials. To view the resources, scroll to the bottom of any experience page and click on Browse teaching materials.

Creating Classes

How can I create a class?

Log in to the Wharton Interactive website. Click on My Interactive at the top right of the screen. You’ll then be taken to your dashboard. From there, scroll down until you see the Create a Class button. Enter the requested information on the following page (date range, name of the educator, audience, number of learners, and payment). If you’re unsure of some of this information, don’t worry - you can make changes later! Then click the Create this Class button.

Helpful hints when creating a class:

Naming your class:

The name of your class should be as specific as possible. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and you teach an Economics 101 course during the spring semester at the University of Pennsylvania, name your class “Economics 101 - Spring 2021 - University of Pennsylvania - Jane Smith.” This will help you clearly identify your class and will ensure that your students and TAs feel confident they are joining the correct class. This will also help the Wharton Interactive support team identify your class easily and help you if you need support.

Date ranges:

The start date and end date are a general range for when you plan to play the simulation. If you’re unsure of the exact dates, you can update them at a later time. The start date can be no earlier than the day that you create the class and no later than the date you plan to run the experience for your group.

Class size:

Give us your best estimate. You can change this number before you confirm your class or purchase the experience(s). Please note that it’s preferable to overestimate rather than underestimate class size.

I’ve created a class; how do I add experiences?

After you’ve created your class, you’ll need to add your experiences. Click the Add experiences button underneath your class on your dashboard. You’ll then be taken to a list of available experiences. Select all that you’d like to include in the class. To view information on each experience, click the Learning Experiences button at the top of the page. On the game page, you can dive deeper into each experience by browsing the teaching materials or viewing a demo. You can also add the experience to your class from the game page.

What does it mean to confirm my class?

Once you confirm your class, you can no longer add or remove experiences, or adjust the number of learners. Please make sure your class information is final before confirming.

If I need to add an experience to a class I’ve already confirmed, can I cancel the class and recreate it to add the additional experiences?

Please contact a team member at to cancel a class. Once canceled, you can recreate the class to add additional experiences.

Purchasing an Experience

What is the difference between a Learner pay class and an Organization pay class?

When you create a “Learner pay,” you will receive a link to send to your learners. Your learners can then create an account and purchase the license for the experience(s). Please see the corresponding FAQ for where to find this link and how to invite learners to your class.

If you select “Organization / Instructor pay,” you will purchase all licenses for the experience(s) on behalf of your group.

Payment options:

At this time, we can only accept credit card payments. If this is an issue, please contact the Wharton Interactive support team.

If you cannot make the purchase using a credit card, please contact the Wharton Interactive support team.

Where do I enter the payment information for my class?

If your class is a Learner pay class, you will not see payment information; learners will be paying for their own license for the experience(s).

For an organization pay class, make sure your class information is accurate and final, and that you’ve added all the experiences you wish to include. Once you’re ready, click the Add all to basket button. Then, click View Basket. Review your basket, and then click Proceed to checkout. If you have a discount code, enter it on this screen. If not, click Proceed to payment. Enter your billing information and payment details, and click the Pay button at the bottom of the screen.

I created a class with organization pay, but I do not have the payment information. How do I pay for the experience in my class?

With Organization pay, if you cannot obtain payment information yourself, ask the person who holds the payment information to create a Wharton Interactive account. They will need to request an Educator Account to create the class. Once approved, they will create the class on your behalf, make the payment, and invite you to the class as an “assistant."

Please note that all assistants have the same level of permissions with an Educator Account. The person who made the payment on your behalf does not need to manage the class or be present on the day that the experience is delivered.

Is your payment portal secure?

Yes. Wharton Interactive does not keep credit card data. We use Cybersource for all payments; please visit their Payment processing security page and their Fraud and risk management page for more information.

Will I receive a confirmation once I make the payment?

Yes. You will receive a confirmation email after you successfully make your payment.

Can I send the payment confirmation email to someone else in my organization?

No, you cannot have the email sent to another person. Once you receive the email yourself, you can forward it to the person who needs it.

Can I offer my students a discount code for a learner pay experience?

The Wharton Interactive team will periodically be sending out discount codes to those on our mailing list. If you’re interested in receiving a discount code, please join our mailing list.

Managing Your Class

Where can I see which classes I’ve created or I belong to?

Log in to the Wharton Interactive website and click the My Interactive button in the right corner of the screen. This will take you to your dashboard, where you can see all your classes.

How do I remove an experience from my class?

Go to your My Interactive dashboard. From there, click the trash can icon next to the experience you would like to remove from your class.

Can I have more than one experience in my class?

Yes! You can add as many experiences as you’d like to your class.

Where do I go to make changes to my class?

On your My Interactive dashboard, click the Manage button under the specific class. From the Manage class screen, you’ll be able to make changes to the name of the class, the start and end dates, the name(s) of the educator, the number of learners, payment type, and the audience.

How do I delete my class?

On your My Interactive dashboard, click the Delete button under the class you’d like to delete. Please note this deletes the entire class, not just one of the experiences. This action cannot be undone. You will not be able to delete your class after you have confirmed it or made your purchase.

What does it mean to confirm my class?

You will only be asked to confirm your class if you select Learner pay. Once you’ve made any updates and added all the experiences you’d like to include in your class, click the Confirm this class button.

I’ve confirmed my class, but I now need to make a change. How do I update my class details?

After you’ve confirmed your class, you can make updates to the class details by clicking the Manage button on the My Interactive dashboard.

Please note that you will be able to update some class details, but you will not be able to update the number of learners, add or remove experiences, or change the payment method of the class. If you need to make these types of changes to your class, please contact the Wharton Interactive support team.

How do I invite learners to my class?

Once you’ve completed the purchase or confirmed your class, go to your My Interactive dashboard. From there, you’ll click the Invite button.

You will see two tabs open; one for Learners and one for Assistants. To invite your learners, click the Learners tab. Click Copy link button. Paste this link in an email, an LMS, or however you’d like to distribute it to your learners.

How do I invite my TA?

Once you’ve completed the purchase or confirmed your class, go to your My Interactive dashboard. From there, you’ll click the Invite button. You will see two tabs open; one for Learners and one for Assistants. To invite your TA, click the Assistants tab. Click Copy link and send the link to your TA.

Once your TA follows the link and enrolls in the class, you will need to approve them as a TA. From your dashboard, click the Manage button. Then, click the Instructors tab. There, you will see you you have one TA awaiting approval. Click the drop-down arrow to show the name of the TA. Ensure that the name and email address of your TA are correct, then click the check box next to their name. Click the Yes, approve button.

How do I confirm my TA so they can access the experience?

Once your TA follows the link and enrolls in the class, you will need to approve them as a TA. From your dashboard, click the Manage button. Then, click the Instructors tab. There, you will see that you have one assistant awaiting approval. Click the drop-down arrow to show the name of the TA. Ensure that the name and email address of your TA are correct, then click the check box next to their name. Click the Yes, approve button.

Is my TA’s access to the experience different than my own? What can I see or do that they cannot?

Your TA’s access to your class and to the simulation is the same as your own.

How do I remove learners from my class?

To unenroll a student from your class, go to your My Interactive dashboard and click the Manage button under your class. Click the Learners tab. From the Learners tab, you’ll see all your enrolled students. Find the student you wish to remove and click the checkbox next to their name. You will see a message that says, “Are you sure you want to unenroll 1 learner?” Click the Yes, unenroll button. The student will be removed from your list, and they will receive an email notifying them that they’ve been unenrolled.

For Organization pay classes, please contact the Wharton Interactive support team to process a refund for this student’s license. For a Learner pay class, the student will need to contact Wharton Interactive to process their refund.

How do I add learners to my class after I’ve purchased my experiences (Organization pay) or confirmed the class (Learner pay)?

To add an additional learner to a Learner pay class, you can send the learner link to your student; they’ll be able to enroll. Note that on your dashboard, you will still see the current number of enrolled students/the original number of students you had indicated:

To add an additional learner to an Organization pay class, please contact the Wharton Interactive support team.

How do I change the dates of my class?

To update the dates after you have already purchased or committed to your class, go to the My Interactive dashboard. Click the Manage button under the class you’d like to make changes to. From the Manage class screen, you’ll be able to make changes to the class name, start and end dates, or the name(s) of the instructor(s). Once you’re done making changes, click the Save class button.

Please note any changes you make at this stage will not trigger any update to your learners; if you make important updates to your class, please make sure to notify your learners.

Will I receive a confirmation once my learners pay for the class?

You will not receive an email once learners pay for the class; however, you can see who has enrolled by going to the My Interactive dashboard and clicking the Manage button under the class. Then, click on the Learners tab. This will show you the list of students who have enrolled.

Can I add another experience after I’ve already purchased the experience for my class (Organization pay) or confirmed my class (Learner pay)?

You cannot add another experience once you’ve paid or confirmed. To add another experience, click the Create a new class button on your My Interactive dashboard to create a new class and add your desired experience.

Please be sure to name your class in a way that differentiates it from your first class; for instance, you can add the name of the experience at the end (i.e. “Economics 101 - Spring 2021 - University of Pennsylvania - Jane Smith - OPEQ”).

I’m creating a class on behalf of the instructor; how do I grant them access to their class?

To grant the instructor access to the class, go to your My Interactive dashboard. From there, click the Invite button. Click the Assistants tab, then click Copy link and send the link to the instructor. The instructor will need to follow the link, create an account if they have not done so already, and enroll in the class.

You will then need to approve them. From your dashboard, click the Manage button. Then, click the Instructors tab. There, you will see that you have one assistant awaiting approval. Click the drop-down arrow to show the name of the instructor. Ensure that the name and email address of the instructor are correct, then click the check box next to their name. Click the Yes, approve button.

Setting Up the Experience

I’ve purchased my experience(s) and invited my learners. Now what?

It is helpful to spend some time reading the resources and setting up your experience prior to game day. From the My Interactive dashboard, you will see the Launch button and the Resources button next to the experience.

When you click Resources, you will find documentation for each experience, including teaching notes, videos, and user guides, to help you deliver and debrief the experience.

If you click Launch, you’ll be taken to the game interface. From there, you will be able to set up your experience. Each experience has different setup requirements; view the resources to learn more about the setup.

What resources are available to me to set up and facilitate my experience? 

From the My Interactive dashboard, you will see the Resources button next to the experience. On the resources page, you’ll find teaching notes, game-day management resources, technical guides, user guides, videos, and debrief discussion guides. These resources have been designed to provide you with a deep-dive into the underlying concepts of the experience and help you deliver an optimal interactive experience for your learners.

Where do I go once I’m ready to play the experience with the learners?

When you’re ready to play, go to the My Interactive dashboard and click the Launch button. That will take you to the experience interface. When you’re ready to play, click the Start Game button on the homepage of the interface.

My students do not see the Launch button within the interface for their experience. How do they join the game?

Learners will only be able to see the Launch button on the selected start date of the class. Make sure the start date of your class is set to the current date. If you need to adjust the date, you can do so by clicking on the Manage button and changing the start date of the class under Class Details.

If all information appears correct, including dates, and students still cannot see a Launch button, please contact the Wharton Interactive support team for assistance.

Still need assistance? Contact Wharton Interactive Support, or return to the main support page.